Service |
Who to see |
Acupuncture | Private clinic |
Antenatal care | Doctor/midwife |
40 - 74 Health Checks | Nurse/HCA |
Cervical smears (we will remind you when to come) | Nurse |
Childhood Immunisations (clinics run on a Tuesday and Thursday - click here for the NHS schedule) | Nurse |
Contraception (incl. emergency contraception) | Doctor/Nurse |
Dressings and stitch removal | Nurse |
Ear syringing | Nurse |
ECG | Nurse |
Health Promotion Clinics (Asthma/diabetes/heart disease) | Nurse/HCA |
Hearing tests | Nurse/HCA |
Holiday Vaccinations | Nurse |
Minor surgery | Doctor |
Community Care co-ordinators | Bev Bell |
Help to Slim clinics | Nurse/HCA |